Our client has a Shopify store to sell sports supplements. He was doing bad when the Client came to us. they were quite worried because they haven't been getting any revenue for their paid ads. One of the other issues is that they had several issues with conversion tracking. The target location for this business was the US
As they already had a bad experience with running the advertisements with the previous agency, so now they wanted to get a good ROAS as well as a return on their previous ads asap.
Upon taking over the account, we dig deeper into the data and split it into meaningful campaigns that targeted specific demographics. Since the product is mainly targeted toward Fitness Freaks, we created ads in different ad formats and run them on different channels. Targeted campaigns, focusing on particular demographics and devices, provided a much higher CTR. As the CTR improved, Google rewarded our client by lowering the CPC. In comparing the first month, the Conv. rate increased by 600%
AdWords PPC Expert is India’s #1 certified PPC expert, promising continuous business growth and maximum Return on Investment for your Pay-Per-Click advertising campaign. We are a leading Google AdWords PPC agency, built on the premises of process-driven, result-oriented PPC services India to ensure maximum revenues. Our objective is not just getting you increased traffic or sales; we are incessantly looking to innovate to ensure minimal Cost Per Customer acquisition and Cost Per Conversion.
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